Filling out a Missing Credit Request Form on My Cash Freebies
How to fill out a Missing Credit Request Form
As you know, when you join MCF (My Cash Freebies) and fulfill the offer trials, getting the 1 credit requirement is mandatory to becoming an Independent Referral Agent. Usually the crediting process is simple and the person gets the credit after completing the trial offer requirements. However, sometimes you need to wait a few hours before you receive your credit.
However, unfortunately, some people fail to receive any credit and they will need to fill out a "Missing Credit Request Form" in order to get the credit after they complete the trial offer requirements. The good news is once you fill out the "Missing Credit Request Form" you should be credited by My Cash Freebies within a few days.
However, you should always try to do everything possible so you won't need to fill out any Missing Credit Request form:
Make sure your Internet is setup correctly
In order to avoid having any problems getting the credit, you first have to make sure your Internet is configured correctly before you try out any of the trial offers on the My Cash Freebies website. Before you do any trials, make you do the following on your computer:
1. If possible use Mozilla Firefox. Internet Explorer is also ok. But Firefox is considered the best web browser to use with My Cash Freebies
2. Make sure you "disable the popup blocker." Regardless if you use Firefox or Internet Explorer, you need to disable the popup blocker under the options menu. Don't worry, once you finish the trial offer, you can enable the popup blocker again. This only needs to be done temporarily, while you complete a trial offer on My Cash Freebies, so you can get credited.
3. Disable third-party browser ad-ons. If possible disable them at least temporarily while you complete the trial offers.
4. Clear any cookies before you begin the trial offers. You only need to clear them once before you begin. Do not clear them while you are in the process of completing the offers. Only before you begin.
5. Don't close any of the windows when you begin the trial offer process. Leave the My Cash Freebies window open along with the company web site (trial offer) window.
6. Do not use AOL browsers or AOL Internet Service.
Now if you follow these instructions and you still fail to get credited, don't lose hope. You can fill out the Missing Credit Request form on the My Cash Freebies website:
How to fill out Missing Credit Request Form
Important: Make sure you always keep a copy of all the receipts (email receipts) you receive from the companies after you do the trial offers. You will need this as proof when you fill out the Missing Credit Request Form! Also, make sure you keep records of the date you began the offer, and the date you completed the offer.
1. Login to your My Cash Freebies Account
2. Once you login to your account on the My Cash Freebies website, click on the "support" link at the top of the page
3. Scroll down to about half down the page until you see the "Missing Credit Request Form"
4. Click on the "Missing Credit Request Form" link
5. Now scroll down and click on the "offer completed" link and choose the offer you completed and that failed to credit you
6. Now click on the "date completed" link and select the date you completed the offer
7. Next, click in the box where it says "Email full headers." In this box, you will need to paste the email confirmation that you received from the advertiser when you completed their trial offer. Login to your email account, and get the "full header" of the email confirmation.
8. In your email account, open the confirmation email of the advertiser. Now click under "view full header." Note: Full header is also known as "source code" in some email providers. Now copy all of this information. (make sure you copy everything that is in the full header)
9. Go back to the box that says "Email full headers" on your My Cash Freebies website. Now paste the full header from the confirmation email of the advertiser.
10. Now in the last box on the Missing Credit Request form, you will paste the actual physical email confirmation that you received from the advertiser when you completed the trial offer.
11. Now click on submit and wait a few seconds until you see a confirmation of submission. It should say "Credit request submitted successfully!" Now your Missing Credit Request form will be processed by the staff at My Cash Freebies.
12. Be aware that Missing Credit Requests can take up to 30 days. However, usually it takes around 3 to 5 days.
Once you get the credit you can continue on your process to becoming a My Cash Freebies Independent Referral Agent!